Title: Indian Beef Curry with Rice
Category: Main Dishes
Sprinkle beef with salt and pepper. Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a heavy
skillet over medium-high heat.
Working in batches, add beef to pot and sear. Cook medium rare and
transfer to a plate.
Heat remaining oil in the same pot over medium heat. Add onions and saute
until tender. Add cloves, garlic, cinnamon sticks, bay leaf and red
pepper to pot. Stir until mixed.
Add in milk, tomatoes, chutney, lemon juice, ginger, curry powder and 1/2
teaspoon salt and bring to boil.
Reduce heat, cover and simmer about 2 hours.
Uncover; increase heat and boil until juices are slightly thickened. Add
meat 1 minute before removing from heat.
Serve with white Basmati rice.